Connect accounts

Connect Discord Account

Connect Discord Account Button

First step in creating a new connection is to connect a Discord account if you haven't already. Login with your Discord.

Install Atomcal Bot

After logging in with Discord you must see all your Discord servers that you own or manage events of on the left hand side of the screen.

Select any server you want to create a connection for, then install the Atomcal bot.

Click on install Atomcal Bot button

Once you click on the install Atomcal bot button it will take you to the install screen. Select your server to continue then make sure all boxes are checked before authorizing.

After successful installation, refresh the dashboard or click on other server then back to the server you installed the bot in. You must see the next steps.

Connect Google account

Connecting Google account is the next step to allow 2-way sync with a Google calendar. Click on Connect Google Account button to grant access. Otherwise you can skip this step and move on to Step 3: Configure connections.

Make sure all boxes are checked

If you already connected Google account in the past and it wont connect again follow this guide:

Note; after connecting Google account you must create a new connection for it to work with a Google calendar. Old connections made without Google account won't sync with any Google calendar.

Connect Twitch account

Connecting Twitch account is also possible which allow 2-way sync with a Twitch schedule. Click on Account Settings then use the Connect Twitch account button You can skip this step if you don't want to update your Twitch schedule.

Note; after connecting Twitch account you must create a new connection for it to work with a Twitch schedule. Old connections made without Twitch account won't sync with any Twitch schedule.

Getting Help

The documentation here attempts to answer most questions, but if you run into something that needs to be covered, please let us know.

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