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Weekly Scrum
:exclamation:**Weekly Scrum Meeting** :exclamation: **Note that this is Mandatory!** Our 30-minute team debrief is about to start! Please prepare a bulleted list of: * Accomplished Tasks * In Progress Tasks * Dependencies/Blockers/Issues to share with the devs. This is to provide context for the other departments on the overall progress to our target goals at a high-level overview. If conflicts arise, know that we will collaborate and brainstorm together to fix the issues! Please join the `Weekly Scrum VC (Voice Channel)` at the t
**Mandatory 30-minute sync with the full Project Radiance Developer Team!** A gathering of all devs to discuss the week’s current task progress and identify any potential dependencies and blockers for development going forward. This enables the team to understand what other dev department’s current progress is to provide context at a higher-level.