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2 days 23 hours 47 minutes until  Adventure Queers! · PrideVR calendar ·

Welcome to PrideVR Community! We help promote VR and VRChat for the LGBTQ community. Come find a home with us <3

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Adventure Queers!

Welcome to the Adventure Queers! We will be world hopping and checking out all that's out there in VRChat. We will be primarily exploring community labs/new tab but if you have a world many don't know about, feel free to mention going there to your hosts! Some guidelines for the event are as follows: 1. Portals should only be dropped by the event hosts, so please refrain from dropping your own instances as this may split the group. Hosts will be sure to say otherwise if they are unable to drop. 2. Please refrain from being overly negative about some worlds, we explore to appreciate what is made. 3. Always be aware of your hosts as they will be the ones to announce when moving instances as well as giving warnings for intense movement or flashing lights in some worlds. signups: **0** _  _ duration: **2** hours **45** minutes