Event notes
Atomcal now supports full fledged event notes. Notes are WYSIWYG markdown based, so anything markdown is supported out of the box. For example adding headings, code blocks, tables, highlighting, even todos inside events is now supported! Heck even the event it self can be a todo.

More on TODOS
Todos are first class citizens in everything Atomcal. You can convert and text line into a todo by typing [ ]. What is interesting is even the Activities (or event it self) can be a todo (or highlighted, or turned into a table etc).
This means, your events can be todos if you want them to be.

More on conference links
The notes in Atomcal also support commands (which can be used by /). There are many commands like adding Google or Notion document embeds. Even to create a conference link you will use the command to generate! Like so...

Editors and viewers
Anyone invited to the event will see the notes (updated in real-time) but won't be able to edit. Anyone having access to the calendar will be able to edit the notes.
Notes as description of the event
These notes are shared in notifications (on Discord OR email) as event description. So anyone invited, or anywhere shared.
Hotfix and improvements
- [improvement] event creation flow is improved. Now it asks you to select which calendars the event should belong to first.
- [improvement] clicking on an event now opens the event details directly. Previously it expanded the timeline.
- [improvement] CLI can be toggled by clicking [/] in the header.
- [improvement] added sync state indicator in the event details header.
- [improvement] returning from zoom SSO retains the calendar state (eg. if an event was open it will open the event).
- [improvement] [api] discord account is now an account entity, previously it was part of member object.
- [improvement] now allowing mouse-wheel to navigate between days.
- [bugfix] [fe] preventing mouse wheel scrolling canvas when editing details
- [improvement] enabled micro interaction (eg. when details are closed)
- [improvement] now resetting active event when anywhere outside is clicked