Near future
- Add a discord command to bring an event to Discord /bring-to-discord
- Repeating events
- Availabilities support for discord
- Availabilities support via web links + email?
- Google calendar: Multi account google calendar sync
- Calendars pull on mount
- Events pull on mount
- Events sync from Atomcal (Create, Update, Delete)
- Events watch and sync from Google
- Register, request and save watch web-hook
- Sync events via web-hook
- Fix syncing issues when creating/updating event (with g-cal sync)
- That after a sync newly updated event gets moved back to old state
- Month view
- Side panel for editing notes is added
Coming soon...
- A command to generate summary tables using event guests data and feedback
- Copy day to clipboard via button and CLI
- Create event from CLI using NLP
- Use the same logic to create event directly from discord
- Drag note block to create event is added
- Add 8am discord reminder of the whole daily schedule
- If event details are open; and time is close to end 5 mins left? turn red... if clicked increase by 15 mins; if times up and event is not closed increase the time by 15 mins; give an option to mark the event as done;
- Sharing full open calendars as link to "join open event" OR "create an event"
- Only 1 open calendar is allowed
- Only 1 event can be created by thrid party
- Accept created event is support by 1 click for owner
- Join open event is supported by 1 click for third part
- Every none open event and blocked-time, will be marked as busy
- In the header a link will be copy-able
- Call it share open calendar - OR - mark busy by blocking out time
- Allowing opening days - by default days are "closed"
- Allow event max duration?
- Day closed UI - by default open days are "expanded"
- ---
- In-event payments; more time you need more you have to pay... robustly
- ---
- calendar editors will be emails, and anyone can be invited to edit
- two editors can edit the same open calendar + share the same open calendar
- two emails can be used to "pull" business... then both emails will be notified when event is created
- blocks should be sent to every invited email, no matter if their account exist? nah...
- Calendar subscription; subscriber list; etc
- Desktop and mobile apps are launched
- Love firefox thank you popup with animation / add popups and onboarding and shizz
- Game over!
Not super important OR can wait
- When sending reminder 5 minute before, add "to event you RSVP'ed" and send only to RSVP'ers
- First email should allow to RSVP without logging in...
- Make a guest end-point that takes a guest email, and RSVP them...
- Sending in app notification when someone RSVP...
- In app push notification, desktop notification, browser notification
- Improve the flow of creating an event
- Ask what type of event it is
- Auto completion
- If pressed reset event
- Sometimes history doesn't sync when question is added
- Merge daily notes if same; merge ref (details/history?) in daily note if same;
- Allow force syncing when clicked on sync status
- Allow creating event reference if not already created via button LATER improve this flow by finding flaws...
- Sometimes owner is not invited initially, which prevents notes to show up
- Takes way too long to start editing event description
- Event description is not synced after paste; even after refresh
- Increase left dragging hit points and disable creating events in that state
- Something went wrong. Blame the weather is not centered on mobile.
- Improve conference link slash command
- If zoom conference link is created;
- Also add to event;
- Don't allow regenerating if already present;
- Of not present and present in event use that;
- Allow changing it to google meets later;
- Replace with google meet;
- Also update event;
- Ask question on discord only if questions are enabled
- A slash command to enable questions (generate questions block)
- Discord community improvements
- Roadmap sort fix
- Build a system to capture crashes into issues with high priority
- Add ability to mark as known issues, and known issues that were fixed via bot replies
- Reported by and reported at
- If similar found; then share that one (search by matching words?)
- Also add related dev comment; like if g-cal isn't syncing; will sync but yada yada
- Hi, a similar know issue doesn't exist with me, do you want to create it? yes/no
- Only devs are allowed to add this
Ideas For Later --- Productivity related
- Convert # and @ and [[]] to internal beautiful links
- A way to allow reselecting activity
- Backspacing event should delete whole string; to edit open side panel
- Instead of specific (and hand full) event types, allow adding blocks to events;
- #playing #dota2 with:[person1, person2, group1] every:[3 days OR everyday OR every week OR every fortnight OR Monday OR 23rd]; blocks can have color (first one will take precedence); # OR @ will create a link to block; block will open in the sidebar;
- Add buffer time by pressing alt button;
- Buffer time todos
- Auto generate buffer time; longer the event longer the buffer time
- Auto generate buffer time based on direction to where you want to go;
- If no one is invited (personal event); then do not show as event;
- Show as blocked out time
- When collapsed; blocked out time is shown as free time stripe
- Allow adding more than 1 free time strips;
- Event type should be; type | buffer/time-block/event
- By default start with time-block
- Should convert to event if a guest is invited
- A tag should have default calendar and default type; personal/work/misc
Old ideas
- People as blocks support
- So basically to get the PEOPLE block to work, instead of event-guests collection
- Need a way to map members to event guests blocks when used @ to tag
- Need a way map guests blocks to members to send notifications + emails
- Guest blocks can come from "logseq" no? how would you know its a "block"?
- 1. convert to guest block, email: discord-user: etc?
- 2. only @ will bring user blocks where block type is guest (or whatever)
- If a user already has a guest block coming from Logseq, but isn't marked as type guest, then it can be converted by search and edit (later because we don't allow editing indie blocks for now)
- @ will ask email if nothing found...
- like block type guest we will also have block type team, where team will have guests blocks
- if team block is used, need to expand members in peoples block for event in date
- team block will use any block type member/guest added in anyway, anywhere in the markdown
- aka inside a block or as separate blocks etc
- need a way to create a new member, if only email is used, or discord interaction without already existing member is made
- so @ may search our members database... if not found create one?
- we want to map google contacts... as Atomcal potential members... then allow searching them...
- we want to map discord interactors... as Atomcal potential members... then allow searching them...
- we want to map a new email... as Atomcal potential members... then allow searching them...
- using @ we can search an Atomcal member... OR @ searches user members... OR user blocks where block type is guest/people/user/person/invitees/member... we need to separate user members from atomcal members... but they must have a relationship...
- if a user belongs to an organisation, then we could search an organisation... if user signs up using a google teams account, then we could show all google org members...
- everyone gets a private graph... because the idea is to have one tool for both WORK and LIFE and COMMUNITY calendars...
- and tagged members will have access to someone else graph... but only the block and its immediate children they are invited to...
- wont this copy the blocks? hmm, not really... copying is different then having multiple editors
- now if I create a block, and its work block, lets say a meeting standup, then everyone invited will have write access as editors
- can i transfer ownership of this block to someone else, incase i am leaving the team? SHORT ANSWER: Yes... owner can be transfered... but how will that change anything?
- Long answer
- can change owner or another editor
- owner can "use" "activity" block in event
- owner will be auto invited
- owner can't be deleted
- all editors can edit while in future or ongoing event (only)
- based on guest permissions
- modify
- invite others
- see guest list
- past events can't be edited
- same: based on guest permissions until its on going or future
- calendars?...
- nope, ramses disagree with having multiple graphs just like me
- old thoughts
- basically everyone will have write access to this block, which basically is an event... and event belongs to calendars... but block doesn't have to do anything with calendars... but guests are part of block+event and from this calendars can be picked... and a block+event has description... and block has description... but block doesn't have a calendar...
- can I transfer ownership of the main standalone block? do we need owner? owner is basically a creator... editor have write access... now what
- why do I need to transfer ownership or an event that I create?
- Okay, so to make work+personal work together,
- we need to treat calendars as graphs,
- and allow transferring ownership to other editors if in case the creator is leaving
- and a calendar is basically a graph, which means an activity will belong to a calendar... and same activity different calendar will mean a different block... so standup in AtomCal won't be the same standup in GoogleCal
- but, the same event can exist in two or more calendars though right?
- SO
- for this you're basically saying, every calendar will be treated as a different Atomcal account, beating the purpose and this isn't what we want
- workspaces is the answer... a personal workspace or a work workspace... but fucking hell can't combine the two... mohter fkkk
- Atomcal events: Repeating events
- Atomcal CLI: Month view
- Inviting people via Atomcal
- Groups: Group of friends and team members, invite them together
- Google calendar: Find time to meet
- Free busy calendars + nudge someone to mark availablitities
- Availabilities: Availabilities
- any one can view my availabilities (potential events) and select a slot to meet
- if no availability found can nudge them via email... later desktop notification... to mark availabilities
- Availabilities: Connecting calendars
- Any one can connect their calendars events with mine to find the best time to meet
Far future
- Full keyboard support: v0.0.6-9 Full keyboard support to create and edit events was added
- Atomcal core: Mac desktop app
- Atomcal Core: Desktop Notification system and Mac menu bar
- Atomcal activities: Collaborative notes
- Notes should create another bullet when returned
- Each new day should have a new date heading
- Create more than 3 bullets for a day should expand the event into a bigger eventβ¦ with lots of notes for everydayβ¦
- Atomcal Core: Allow offline mode; if network is down, or server is down show all events
- Atomcal core: iOS and Android Mobile apps
- Atomcal events: Timezone agnostic events
- Start using timezone for conversions to support Timezone agnostic events
- But, we could create a new total minute calculator, only for position calculator
- Atomcal CLI: NLP based CLI commands
- Using CLI I should be able to create repeating events all day events
- Using CLI I should be able to create repeating events
- That also could go on for multiple days using natural language processing