Sgwrs Dysgwyr Cymraeg  | Welsh Learners Chat Events · Atomcal

13 days 20 hours 38 minutes until  Sgwrs Gymraeg - UK & Europe · Sgwrs Dysgwyr Cymraeg  | Welsh Learners Chat calendar ·

Gweinydd Discord i ddysgwyr Cymraeg, gan ddysgwyr Cymraeg | A Discord server for Welsh learners, by Welsh learners.

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Sgwrs Gymraeg - UK & Europe

Sgwrs pythefnosol lle gallwch ymarfer eich Cymraeg gyda siaradwyr eraill. Croeso i bob lefel. \n A fortnightly chat where you can practice your Cymraeg with other speakers. All levels welcome.

Sgwrs pythefnosol lle gallwch ymarfer eich Cymraeg gyda siaradwyr eraill. Croeso i bob lefel. \n A fortnightly chat where you can practice your Cymraeg with other speakers. All levels welcome. **UK :** Saturday at 7-9pm \n **Central Europe:** Saturday at 8-10pm \n **Eastern Europe:** Saturday 9-11pm