Event history

We got something exciting to introduce this week which is nothing other than event history! which is an AMAZING feature for a scheduling tool.

This is how it works!

How often when you schedule an event and then it gets rescheduled because someone can't make it? then it gets canceled because something else comes up (etc)… wouldn’t be nice to keep a track of all this schedule-dance? Event history allows you to track how the event progress overtime.

Which (in the future) will allow you to find patterns and in theory patterns will help you improve your scheduling decisions.

Here is what is captured!

  1. When activity is attached to an event
  2. When an event is rescheduled
  3. When someone is invited to an event
  4. When someone RSVP or  UnRSVP
  5. When event is canceled
  6. When someone leaves a feedback
  7. When calendars are changed
  8. When event type is changed
  9. When event visibility is changed

Here is how to view history!

Event guests

Collaboration is essential for any calendars and you and you can invite anyone using an email to your Atomcal events, doesn't matter if they are an Atomcal member of not.

Simply start by pressing the + icon next to where all the guests are shown. Then type in the email or if you want to search and invite an already existing Atomcal member then you can type @ followed by their name of email and then select the member you want to invite and voila.

Event guests can also be invited in the same way using @ in the event notes section and this will add this invited user to the guests list.

Event notes

Atomcal now supports full fledged event notes support. Notes are WYSIWYG supporting markdown based, so anything markdown is supported out of the box. For example adding headings, code blocks, tables, highlighting, even todos are supported out of the box!

More on TODOS

Todos are first class citizens in everything Atomcal. You can convert and text line into a todo by typing [ ]. What is interesting is even the Activities (or event it self) can be a todo (or highlighted, or turned into a table etc).

This means, your events can be todos if you want them to be.

Done/Not Done todos are shown on the collapsed event card on the timeline

The notes in Atomcal also support commands (which can be used by /). There are many commands like adding Google or Notion document embeds. Even to create a conference link you will use the command to generate! Like so...

Editors and viewers

Anyone invited to the event will see the notes (updated in real-time) but won't be able to edit. Anyone having access to the calendar will be able to edit the notes.

Notes as description of the event

These notes are shared in notifications (on Discord OR email) as event description. So anyone invited, or anywhere shared...

Zoom (conference)


A step-by-step guide for a user to install your app.

  1. Login Atomcal
  2. Press k (or command k) to open CLI
  3. Search connect zoom
  4. Login zoom
  5. All done

Link to an installation troubleshooting guide.


A clear use-case description and a list of any prerequisites.

  1. Create an event on Atomcal by dragging on canvas (or CLI)
  2. Open event details by clicking (or pressing) the event
  3. Using forward slash open event CLI
  4. Choose add conference link command
  5. Pick zoom
  6. All done


A guide to uninstalling the app from your Zoom account. Notify the user the implications of de-authorization, and how you will remove their data.

  1. Click (press) your name in the top left corner of the screen
  2. Click view account
  3. Press disconnect next to zoom
  4. Press yes to confirm
  5. All done

Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.

  1. Click Manage >> Installed Apps or search for the "XYZ" app.
  2. Click the "XYZ" app.
  3. Click Uninstall.

After disconnecting your zoom account details will be deleted from the server. You can always connect your zoom account again, or a different one if needed.


List the most common user issues and their solutions including installation issues, adding meetings, accessing recordings, etc.

  1. Incase you can't connect your zoom try refreshing
  2. Also check your internet connection


  1. Will Atomcal generate a new conference link for every meeting: yes
  2. Can as many people join as they want: depends on your zoom account

Contact Support

Incase something isn't working right, feel free to reach out on Atomcal discord server.